Moravian Open Epilogue

by Dusan Vystavel


Moravian Open Championships 2008 are over and it is time for the evaluation:

- More than 220 participants from 19 countries (1042 runners in Saturday race) – it is a new record in Moravian Championships 10 -year’s history!

- Four interesting races in terrains very similar and neighbouring to WOC2008 terrains, very good atmosphere and last but not least very nice weather...

- We apologize for small mistakes during the races, for example the mistake with expected winner’s time in Saturday’s women course (but better shorter than longer J), also we apologize for small delay with Thursday s Results (and split times) – it was due to we must redraw start list for Friday for several time, because some of biggest teams started cancel  a lot of runners from their entry only a few hours before race L

- Congratulations to all winners, especially to „Queen of Moravian Open“ Lena Eliasson, winner of all four races


Many thanks to:

- All organizers from „my“ team, special thanks to Jindrich Smicka and Jiri Janecek, presidents of cooperating O-clubs. But very big thanks to all organizers, because we made a very good working team with great spirit – really „teamwork“

- My family, especially to my wife Jitka, because last 4 weeks before competition I worked only for this championship mostly 24 hours per day

- Our guests in organising team – namely both speakers – Anders Vestergaard for international languages and Stepan Skorpil for Czech language, for their really professional work. Also thanks to Ivan Mateju, Secretary General of Czech O-Federation, who help us with organizing these competitions and other activities during the races. 


Thank to you as participants and SEE YOU DURING WOC 2008!











Sports Club Prostejov & Sports Club Palacky University Olomouc